Monday, December 28, 2009 3:48 PM
Jihad Seorang Ibu
Hidup tidak berteman bagai awan tidak bercahaya
Suami yang disyangi telah pergi tak kembali
Anaknya pergi membela bangsa
Nasibnya empunya abi
Di jalan yang sempit kau lalui
Tinggallah sanubari diri
Duka dipendam tidak sekali diluah
Hingga merebak ke suluruh jiwa
Hampa hampa, sedih sedih ‾dɔ‾p8/ʎl˙ʇ ‾ q//:dʇʇɥ
Sedang pasrah hanya di mata
Muncullah ketibaan sang penceria
Merubah diri si bonda harta diberi tak diperduli
Cuma gurauan si anak terkenang di hati
Rindu rindu, kasih mesra.
Friday, December 25, 2009 8:31 PM
We didn't make it.
Dude, that's not the end.
We lose to a bunch of so called 'seniors'.
Way better than us.
Friday, December 18, 2009 12:41 AM
I got something for all of you.
No Joke.
Last update: 29 January '10
Hmmm, let's make this blog a little bit of fun. Haha, that's sound funny.
So let I cracked some ideas in my head. So I came up with this idea.
Let's call this game 'Link Hunting'. Yeah It's a game, kinda.
Link Hunting; literally means hunt for links. Yes, it is actually.
So Ive decide in every end of the post there will be some
numbers OR alphabets given which eventually will link you to a site.
The site linked is random.
People who didn't hunt for the link will miss something
that I didn't share in public. Is that the correct word? I dunno.
'Link Hunting' works like this:
- On the first post - http://bi*.**/7**t*s ( 1st code )
- On the second post - http://***ab*L* ( 2nd code )
- So when you combined it. It should be like this:
- So there you go, you found the link.
- For this case, it takes 2 codes. That means, 2 post.
- Codes are case sensitive.
Lets say if the game has begin.
Post Ill be posting is going to be as normal post I've post all these days.
Ill be writing like; macam biase ah I post.
Oh and yes, there's an example in this post.
So when you already found the link.
There's a hidden phrase in that link;
Tell me the phrase and you will receive an appreciation token from me.
Q: Does the code give exactly the same as given above?
A: Yes, It looks exactly the same as the example given above.
Q: How should I know wether the post have the secret code in it?
A: Here's the fun part. You will need to hunt for it. ( This is so easy "-.= )
Q: How should I know the 1st code is already given?
A: It will appear like this: http://bi*.**/7**t*s - (1st code)
Q: Did I get to know if the code given is the last code?
A: No.
Q: So how?
A: Are you stupid? If you got the last code. Than the code is solved and no more missing space!
Q: Sorry ah.
Q: What if the post doesn't have the code sedangkan the previous post gave the code?
A: So you'll have to wait for the next post.
Q: Who can take part in this?
A: ANYONE. especially my links. I create this for bloggers mainly. But anyone can take part.
Q: Eh, link kau bagi takmo merepek-merepek eh?
A: No no no, don't worry. It's safe.
Q: Asal kau nak leceh-leceh buat gini?
A: Kau tanye macam ni kau nak hunt the link ke tak?
Q: Malas ah.
A: Takya tanye ah asal leceh-leceh.
Q: K la K lah. But why?
A: Oh, bosan dudok pat PC buat bende same. So try2 je.
Q: Alah, siape je yang nak hunt. Check2 takde orang hunt.
A: A'ah eh. takpe. dorg tak hunt, dorg tak dapat further updates from me.
Q: Chey kau.
A: Btol ape... Eh dah lah. Nak tanye ape2 lagi go trough email aku.
Please contact me at for any questions or confusions.
Ill be waiting for your feedback. If things are clear above. Do tag. So I can carry on.
If not, do let me know what's not clear to you. Then Ill update this post if there's changes.
I give you guys 7 days or maybe early if i get faster response.
Lets say if you're not interested at all. Just ignore.
I do this because, every time I turn on my PC I've been doing the same shit every day on the net.
Im not gonna post anymore until things I've describe about 'Link Hunting' is clear.
Blogging is getting boring. That's why I did this. http://example.***/missu***** ( 1st code )
Lets say if this thing doesn't work out. I keep posting. So don't worry.
Winner(s): The first person who tells me the phrase. And will get a big treat from me.
Ill guarantee you no scam, cheats, frauds under 2009 © Kamel Berlime.
Trust me. Its worth it.
Monday, December 14, 2009 3:06 AM
Razi! GG! xD Suria! MYL! xD
I miss playing DotA. And I miss Fish cake :(
Ill try lor. Cause baru-baru ni aku dah naek muak maen game.
Dulu hari-hari maen DotA, I didn't play DotA sejak ade 1.24c which is the latest version.
Aku tak tau mane nak carik, kene search and stuff tapi aku Malas! Got better things to do.
Ade business nie nak buat, by bulan 4 kene siap. Stay tune tau Razi k? xD
Anyways, aku tanye Hasyim pasal DotA updates sume, sebab kalau tanye yang lain takle harap, including kau ah Razi.
Haha... So tadi game best2. Puck aku pro pe?
-Faerie Dragon, we own! xD
Lepas kan rindu kat DotA pon jadi eh.
Aku try lah download Blackshot, kalau aku senang, okay?
-Love you loads, my friend(s)
Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:52 PM
I met Fishcake.
they called u Fishcake. LOL
Today was so tired.
"Kasot lawa kasot lawa kasot lawa, pijjjjak!"
"Tempo baaaaang!"
"Didnt know you can sing ~ wow"
"Penat cakap penat, jangan la last minit
'eh, aku nak balek ah' "-.= ftw"
"Tampines dah baru... haha! ke aku yang lembab?"
"Oh, it's Paris Hilton"
"Macintosh's 27' - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Aku rindu Max, betol tak bro?
K.Salmah, bile nak call? I tgh tunggu-tunggu ni. She's my agent btw
Monday, December 07, 2009 4:09 PM
an explanation or opinion of what something means
That's true, you find your own meaning to something happened. Something awful happened, well the word 'awful' or can be any other synonyms to it is an interpretation you made for yourself. Things occurred to you like the way they are, but it is in you how you relate yourself to interpret the current situation your facing, often in breakdowns.
Breakdowns do happened when ever you at the top most high-level breakthroughs you had in life, there is always a breakdown when you are at a certain level in happiness. Thus, aren't you excited when there's breakdown, there's a huge breakthrough. Keep in mind it keeps recurring, notice ups and downs in life.
How do you react to it?
When you're down, you'll be happy once again. And again you'll feel down, and again you'll be happy.
And again you'll feel down, and again you'll be happy. And again you'll feel down, and again you'll be happy.
It's endless.
But if you put your stories, your interpretation about something, mostly on people you love or achieving your goals in life, your interpretation is true to you.
- Once you said, it's not gonna work. Than it's not gonna work.
- Once you said you can do it, though you don't know how. Your mind starts to work and eventually you're climbing for it. I bet you want to choose this when you're asked to choose one.
So, forget about your interpretations towards them/it. It maybe hard, IF you choose it's hard. :)
When people argue for their limitations they say: "I can't do 'X' because..."
The common excuse is :
"It's just the way I AM."
More likely the truth is :
"It's just the way I THINK I AM."
We can learn about our beliefs by studying fish.
(The following experiment was conducted at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
Get yourself an aquarium. Divide it in half with clear glass wall, so now you have a kind of fish "duplex".
Now find yourself a barracuda - we'll call him Barry - and a mullet (Barracuda eat mullet).
Put one fish on each side. In a flash, Barry will head for mullet and... thump ... hit the glass wall at full throttle.
He'll turn around and come back for another shot... thump!
Over a period of weeks, Barry will get a very sore nose. Eventually he'll figure that mullet haunting equals pain and quit chasing the mullet. You can then remove the glass wall, and guess what! He will stay on his side of the tank for the rest of his life. Barry will happily starve to death, with the mullet swimming just inches away. He knows his limits and he won't step outside them.
Is Barry's a pitiful tale? It is actually the story of every human being.
We don't run to glass walls - we run into teachers, parents and friends who tell us where we fit and what we can do. Worst of all, we run into our own beliefs. Our beliefs define our territory, we argue for it and we won't step outside it.
Barry the Barracuda says: "I gave it my best shot once - so now I just swim in circles"
We human says: "I gave my studies/my marriage/my job my best shot once before..."
We create our own glass cage and we think it is reality. Actually, it's just what we believe.
And how attached are people to their beliefs?
I share this to you,
cos it's also for me.
I've seen people transform, cos it's you who made them and they who choose to accept
and I really care for you.
Sunday, December 06, 2009 12:13 AM
It was gas coming out from my mouth, not words.
I can't demystify how much I miss you
My heart beats when I start to talk
Ive put a side a day to just spent time with you; but i failed
I felt really useless
I can't lose my... 'friend'
Thursday, December 03, 2009 10:55 PM
From XP to look like Vista?
Than to dance like Windows 7?
Today I spent only a few hours to enhance my PC Look. Refer to the post on the 6th November, the first line. And now I actually took a larger step, make the whole XP really change.
You only need the skill 'know it how'. Let me tell you how I first start into this 'Turn your XP to Vista Ft. Mac'
I was YouTube'ing. You know when you first click a video than you click the related video after you watched the video you click at the first place, try to keep on by clicking the related video after another. And I don't know I ended up in a tutorial video to make Apple's dock on your PC and I got interested so I try it out, It friggin took me 22 hours. Yes, 22 hours for a starter.
<- See that? That took me 22 hours. So the stakat but i really like it because your desktop won't be messy. Its auto-hide, hover your cursor to the top and that thing will appear. Tell me if you want your PC too have one. I may guide you.
- Yes, although its just 'that' but I don't know how
much I like it
- Probably because I spent 22 hours of my
Few month's later after I got that 'Dock' like finally... I discovered something. You can actually turn your XP to look like Vista, to act like a Vista, to sound like a Vista. But this part took me less than 10 hours. Knnbpcb, that 'stakat' Dock took me 22 hours abeh ni bende less thaan 10 hours, padehal bende ni lagi susah seh nak buat. Eventually, I did turn my XP to look Vista. Maybe it's my first time to like 'gode2 all these PC things' thats why it tooks 22 hours. Awwwh, I don't know where's the screenshot, maybe its gone.
too bad, but whatever it is, its just looks like a typical Vista, nothing special if you're using Vista.
Untill Now...
Since I change the looks for my PC for months, I've stopped changing it again, because it really blowing up my brains. Now, the same thing I did, I was YouTube'ing and I came up with this video 'Windows 7 for XP'fcukthewhat?

Tadaa~ A lot difference ae? It really looks like Windows 7.The Dock still there FYI. Click it for larger view, really large. lol
Quite an achievement for me as a 'noob' in PC stuffs. Think you're noob at it and want to try it out?
This really tells me YouTube rocks! I learn almost every PC/IT stuffs from YouTube
There i go, talking about PC
Wednesday, December 02, 2009 3:03 PM
Alhamdulillah, the first step for my dream to come true
Tuesday, December 01, 2009 4:47 PM
Recap? For you...
A book in my head.
Have you guys ever across your mind, What you want to accomplish in life till death? This issue is hard to negotiate about. Influenced by the current world, believes in every individuals had; in terms of religion, culture or philosophies that had been graved in a person. You who decides for your own living and be sure there must not be any conflict to others.
When I start to sense failure in any parts of my life I've gone through, I used to blame others, I used to avoid facing the problems I had. I had this phrase in my mind 'Little things leads you to bigger things, therefore little parts of you eventually be the largest matter in your life.' There are many words to describe this. So I begin to see new context now, approach experience in a new level of humanity. I used to to be self-centered and bigoted.
Thanks to the commitment that my sister took on, she who made our whole family a new light in our home. Without her, maybe... I shouldn't say because It implies my whole family. In the past, I do have a lot of freedom in terms of time. I got to do many things in a day, except the day when I play DotA lor. As for now, I discovered freedom in a new way, a way which every individual walk through, they are speechless. This is to be general.
Lets get back to what i did recently. I always missed Subuh and Asar. Thanks eh DotA. So, there I go. I blame DotA. Its just me who had been a lazy bastard to get my ass off the chair, and out of 24 hours, it only took like 5 minutes? Or even less. As a wise man said, 'Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt'. I as a Muslim shouldn't lie to myself and others. Though man can not be perfect, hence fight for perfectness even though the imperfect in you keeps recurring. And Thanks to Razi's post on the October 11th which really inspires me. It is worth reading even though its long. Really long one. This is the best I could write authentically.
Im not perfect as what you think I am perfect,
Im just a normal person pursue for perfectness through imperfect.