Monday, October 25, 2010 1:35 AM
Trapped by haze in years to come.
Recently South East Asia's tip is facing stretches of thick haze due to carbon molecules traveled by air current. From the source of deforestation caused by locals and governments for urban and economic purposes. Reports says that, "Records for PSI levels is decreasing after some region were drizzled." This issue was already at common sight for countries affected. Such hazardous atmosphere with high humidity may cause harm to residents affected. In health concern and global warming prospects, many measures have been suggested to the land lord that cause the mass decomposition of carbons. Official says. "Such measures made must not affect the rate of development." Governments who respond to this crucially paid double the horizon to the analysts and co-working cooperations to tackle and facilitate the discipline for clearing forests without jeopardizing the demands for markets.
Through the day, a small percentage of residential areas affected draws complaints to the opposed climate. Countries like Muar, Malaysia, suffer the highest PSI levels among the region. Children were prioritised for their health in schools. Campaigns to precaution safety were widely available. Dr. Ahmad Durahim, PKK, Pengarah Kementerian Kesihatan which is also as Director of Health Minister, said that we might not feel the pain caused by the haze but it is like a silent killer that penetrates our respiration systems slowly.
Some small areas like Muar, mostly places were highly affected encourage their residents to wear mouth masks by advertising through posters, televisions, radio, newspapers and magazines. There is a number of people who take this as a minor problems, these are smokers, villagers to clear of trash and others. This is are the people which the media wants attention to slow down the suffer we are facing. Mr. David Teo also suggest, "We need colours and actors to steal their attention..." Even though the media might not make an impact, he also added, "... at least they realised what we are facing and have the cooperation."
Coordinations by weather analysts to create artificial rain always stay focus when a hazy or high temperate situations comes to threatening million peoples. The high cost rainfall allows the hazy conditions to be slightly lower and also increase the rate for clearing the air. Mr. Hwa Joo Koon says, "Even if we are free from suffocating, there's years to come where we could not even picture how thick the haze is going to be."
Millions of dollars invested to overcome this issue to avoid worsts air impurities. We had enough with motor cars and industrial means that cause global warming and rose the Earth's temperature at a drastic rate.
Reported By,
Muhammad Kamil
HAHAHAHHA! Aku maen selit je name name doctor lah, ape la. Ni kalau Klua Newspaper Article. AHHH! Seram. I did this in 55minutes. Teruk eh. tsk.
Okay, in less then 12 hours. ENGLISH ENGLISH. GOOD LUCK BABES!