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Tayya tayya hangga kanddayya
643 - Screw this.

♫ Music
It's different now

Monday, January 31, 2011 4:47 PM
This is why I love Longboarding.

Q: When did you start Longboarding?
A: In mid-August 2010. I start trying on Sector 9's, my old mate's Longboard.

Q: What made you try on Longboarding? Why do you pick up the sport? Compared to bicycles, roller skates and skatebords.
A: I find it exciting compared to bicycles, skates, etc... because Longboarding is far much more challenging than the others and portable. Besides downhill, carving, sliding, it also have speed that practically can bring me anywhere. You can't get your mountain bikes in the train. With Longboard, is like all in one with a little bit of pros and cons.

Q: How long have you tried Longboarding?
A: I started to try in October 2010 (My friend's Longboard) until I got my own Longboard in November 2010. 1 month?
Or 4 months (till present, January)

Q: How different is Longboard compared to it's cousin, skating?
A: Longboard may not have many stunts than skateboarding, but it dominates the speed it produces than skateboards. More luxurious and stable, easy to control. Skateboards have their own skate parks to try out stunts, flipping boards over and over while Longboard, it involves nature. They're suitable in straight roads, hills and less effort to be done especially going downhill. Longboard is far more extreme than skating due to it's maximum speed (83mph or 134km/h) which is faster than average traveling motorists. At this stage, full anticipate is required, We might get our bodies slide on tarmac. Skateboards are much more cheaper and easy to handle, they are lighter than most common Longboards, they give extra amazing attention to public with their stunts and skills. On the other hand, Longboard is mostly sliding on the ground without any flips especially in high speed. It may not be seen on the streets, Longboarders have to go to a proper terrain to fully make use the capabilities of Longbaords. Furthermore, Longboard takes a longer time to have basics skills, such as Foot Brakes, sliding to stop (emergency brake) and also, it requires you to have the skill to throw ourselves when anything happened, you don't want to roll and kiss the tarmac every oscillation. Safety gear is a must for this sport if you tend to make amends in skills and knowledge in the future.

Q: How did you pick up the sport? Was it through a friend?
A: My friends have been playing it decades ago while I just sit and walk, stunned by their speeds. I find it uninteresting as it is just straights and no stunts, though they're might be a little but it is not that eye catching. I thought skateboard would be much more fun. Until a few weeks later, more of my friend bought them and try them out. I wonder why. I also try on it if they were off to the nearest Teh Tarik. It is still not that fun. I'm obsessed and try to figure out why are they Longboarders exists? I got home and watch YouTube, I even Wiki it. It slowly help me to understand the tradition of this sport and miraculously, I eventually bought one for myself. So I would say I pick this sport through my friend with a little help of my research. xD

Q: Has Longboarding change your life?
A: So far as beginner as I Longboard for less than 6 months, Longboard has change my routine with my friends, we now don't slack at ONE place and spend the time talking nonsense. We actually travel a lot. From the start we cruise from block to block, street to street and now, town to town. We explore places that a Longboard would go fine. Mostly on hills. Recently, me and my other three friends went to Pepys Road, the place where Lt. Adnan fought Yamashita in February, we walk up and eventually visit the war memorial at Bukit Chandu, which is Singapore's darkest year. We learnt a lot. We eventually spent most of our time reading histories, walking through parks than Longboarding. Until we have nothing else to do, home is our next thing that came in mind, so we sped downhill until we reach the lower banks. Phewh, that's tiring. We don't even have to paddle, we foot brake. Damn I new shoes. So far, we have never done this before.

Q: What do you think of Longboarding? What is it to you?
A: It is a new medium to gain our bonds among friends, we share common passion and exchange traits. It is a life changing to me in terms of adventures with sports. Longboard has become one priority in my life. It is my new companion when I'm lonely and stress. It helped me a lot. I started to feel healthy already, oh please.

Q: Has Longboard improved your lifestyle? How? In terms of health?
A: I regain my regular sleeping hours after movies trough out the night. So I technically have a sufficient sleeping hours in ante-meridium (A.M). As all the day I did is full with physical work and perspire until fatigue. It is kinda healthy I bet, I burn my fats at last. Well not until I stop smoking.

Q: On the scale of 1 to 10. How do you rate Longboarding overall.
A: I must say 8/10. Longboard is very risky and it is the one of the extreme sports, it is related to snowboard just with wheels contacting with tarmac. Well, if safety is always kept in mind, it should be okay but no guarantee. Anything can happened. Have the extra caution and know your route when skating at high speed.

Q: Do you think Singapore would be supportive of the sport?
A: With constant officials organising events, Singapore would support this sport as it is one of the extreme sport, Singapore could provide every membership a HELLMET. OHHYEAH. xD

Questions are base on Singapore Speed Movement administrator with the aid of a student doing his school project which affect his final year. I choose to share this also to my fellow readers to have a picture in Longboarding. Safety to be advised. Respect our sport, value our lives.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:41 AM
No need tittle, go read. xD

All you need is a laptop and a keyboard skin. You can get the keyboard skin or protector for your computer. It is just a thin silicon that covers the whole keyboard to avoid water if you spilled your coffee during rush hours, that's the main purpose they mass produce it. Or if you're obsessed enough, you can get a small transparent sticker for each of every 25 letters and don't forget the number pads or num pads.

It may be fun to know what your friends doing. If you have the silicon already you might want to wash it off and let it be clear meaning no thumb prints. You might also want to unset your password to log in to avoid interruptions and mess. You'll know what I mean later on.

Act normal, do what you supposed to do with your friend, talk to them It is best if you site opposite to him. Surf the net, and make sure you save all your passwords on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and MSN so that you won't touch the keyboard. When you're bored or come on, just act like on. Offer him or her to use your computer and say something like 'You might wanna check your Facebook or something' and switch your seat next to him or her, sit beside them...

1) Carefully watch what the user ID is...
2) ...and on which site
Step three is going to take a little challenge, your friend may not be familiar with your keyboard so they tend to type it while looking at the keyboard.
While he or she's typing...
3) Count the letters... while he or she types. (e.g ***********) This case it is 11. Count as he or she is typing
4) Tap your finger fast to any letter or number when he or she's about to press enter, or click 'Log In'. It is best to just tell 'Oh btw, my enter button doesn't work' So you might want to click it'. This allows you to have your time to tap your finger to any letter and make sure you press only one letter. So it will become 12 letters. And He or she might want to re-write.
There's other ways to it, you can press backspace or delete but make sure you know how many characters the password is. So he or she will type again.
5) This time, stand by your palm on the mouse, and aim the cursor to any blank page that can type, like the address bar. So when he or she types again, this time he or she could type faster as they quite used to the keyboard already earlier. When he or she starts to type, grab that mouse as their fingers is busy typing and click on the address bar, so it will not appear as PINS, it appears as LETTERS.
Example: ***handso , this is only 9 characters. You dont know 3 letters, and missing of two letters. There, you're half way through, your friend might go 'Whattheheck?!' Dont worry, just laugh over it and joke around. Now you know the three letter is already printed on the silicon. The letter H, A, N, D, S and O is out.
6) Now let them type without you bothering at ALL.

Now all the thumb prints are there. You got 5 unknown letter. Come on, your friends must be some cute little teeny that put their password that exists in the dictionary.
When you let him or her complete their log in after the 6 steps, act fast... Switch back to your real seat, which is opposite, facing each other.
7) and try say this 'Wait I forgot something...' Grab the notebook and hurry turn it around and take the silicon out... Make sure he or she don't type any further. ACT FAST.

And there you go. Now go home place the silicon under the light (UV - CHEAP LAH GO FIND) and experiment it. ;D Goodluck.

BUT what if there's a repeat letter.
Ok lets say you only found 9 thumbprints. But the password was 11 characters...
and you already know H, A, N, D, S, O... And there's only four 4 letters that you already discovered under a light. six plus three doesnt equals to 9. and you only found the letter 'I', 'M' and 'E'. In this case, there's two letters duplication. Or one letter that repeat four times.

Now, this is Trial and error. First, think some words that a dictionary exists.
List it down like this;

You know that there are three letters before 'HANDSO'. And two letter after 'HANDSO'
So list it down with your brain.


***HANDSO** and the letters you discovered is I, M and E

IME HANDSO ES - Dont list like this, no one's want to remember their password as IMEHANDOES. (???)
DEM HANDSO ME - List down that can be pronounced, think of dictionary words.
IAM HANDSO ME - And it is, I AM HANDSOME. Make sense?

Space out to separate the unknown letters to avoid confusion. Of course, there is no space in passwords.

Good luck. LOL.
Quite long huh, but it is kinda decent way.
Their password length is the difficulty of your experiment.
Oh gosh, you might want to do this if you're being a spy. OR OBSESSED. IDK.

The POINT IS, people would do anything to get something from you, so change your password to something challenging like '393MkmS470' HARD?
Not for me because, 393 is my block number, and MkmS is the initial for Muhammad Kamil Mohd Sharip and I make the first and the last letter caps. And 470 is my door number.

In a way, Im teaching you something bad,
In a way, there's such people exists,
In a way, you might wanna change your password.
In a way, you would want to remove the silicon when using your friend's laptop. LOL.


Threatening right? RIGHT?! So change password lah. Tough one.

Thursday, January 13, 2011 7:48 PM
Presently/Recently (Expectations)

Our attitude plays a role in living life. We lively people have extra-ordinary hopes and expectations. We work on it, fight for it and the outcome shows a slight fate. There's no guarantee what we going to get but as long as we believe, god's will, it will be worth than any other, maybe not today but some other time. Control and roll. Let them be high goals, at the same time look for blind spots.

I recently face breakdown, terrible. My expectations went too high when the outcome really shows that I'm not fit enough. Have to be extra careful the next time, have to identify and note wether what the effort is enough or not. The moment I see what I've done, many things came in my mind. Parents, friends, future and stuffs. That's what I get when I don't 'control and roll'. I just sped and didn't look what is left behind.

It takes time to build a proper mind set to expect on any aspect carefully. I regret. For a slight moment. I should have do more work. I felt that the efforts is enough, but I'm wrong. But what ever it is, I wish to continue and let my dream in 2010 dies there. Time for new dream, new realm. I want to be fulfilled and accomplished something I've never had.

This time round, I want to make my expectations go fairly well and carefully pick what Im going to do and check for blinds spots. I want to let my brain think more than before. With the support of the only one and all people around me, even acquaintance.

I feel like deleting my blog because it is so SAD, I remember when I first have my blog, my sister said 'Nanti english bagus. Boleh practice, Cuba lah.' I was 7. And I have a blog. Not this URL. I think it is alteregoedited.blogspot, I forgot. As I'm typing, Im embarrassed towards myself. What is worse than a hyphen? But I choose not to, because I love to blog. Me and my dad, we communicate in English from the time I can talk, he said 'English is everything.' This is just so sad.

That is why my expectation is so high, I thought I could... Too bad...
I believe there's something else for me. I don't know what and how, but I believe it I can.

Coding/Design: Yours-Tragically