What are you waiting for?
Thursday, December 13, 2012 4:04 AM
Salam to everyone. Pardon if as you continue reading you might see some typo errors. I don't edit what Ive done. I only back space. xD
Here are some problems we are all commonly have. A sickness which has no cure, a sickness which is worse than cancer because cancer still can be cured. Indeed cancer cells are living in our bodies. And is our anti-bodies and immune system are the cause of every sickness. The sickness I am going to share about is something that everyone had and it is at everyone's war. A war which is worst than what is happening in the world right now. It is worst than politics. For us as a normal human being who wakes up in the morning, go to work, go to school, seeking for knowledge, but are all the linear stuffs we are doing right now because we have to. Not that we want to.
Raise up your hand if you agree that working is something you don't love to do. Oh don't raise if you don't shave. :b Unless the job you had is your passion even before you had that job. All of us are forced to work. I am not talking about that we don't have to work, it is our necessitous in life. To earn for a living.
But what about that sickness we had all these years. A disease that stops you from doing what you WANT and that could create a fortune. Working creates living. Two very different things. And the disease is one and only, not other than PROCRASTINATION. DELAYING. We all have one thing that we love to do, but what are we waiting for? Isn't fun to do things you love every single time when you wake up? What really stops you?
We all have our reasons. Let that reasons be just reasons. Make that reasons stay as reasons, tell your reasons that it has nothing to do with what you love to do. Who decides for your life? Which path are you choosing?
Let me share you a story, I myself have been procrastinate. YES, in school, work. I do things as slow as I could, if I am as fast as a bullet it is powered by someone. It is nothing from me. We all develop procrastination in our early childhood, our high school life. That is when rebels come to place. I am honestly not a good student, because I don't love what I am doing
This disease have no medicine to kill. It all depends on ourselves, how motivated are we. Talking about motivated means having someone or people that makes you live to the fullest, which has no control over you but monitors and correct your errors. We all have friends who call us names and such but yet we are not affected, we are not demoralised. They which I call real friends. Get close to something that could motivate you, people around you is the secret weapon to put aside your procrastination. It will come back for sure. When we are aware of this, stand up straight and move towards the things that motivates you. That you really had fun with, that you could live with it for the rest of your life. For sure everyone of us have that one thing. As for me, my friends in my Kompang team. For over 4 years and this year, I have just realised that they are the ones who motivates me. Who keep me moving. Which I cry and laugh with. That is my passion, having a great friends that have one passion in common which is playing Kompang.
Trust me, no one will have a fortune without people. Identify a group of your friends that really makes you live to the fullest and sit down together and talk about fortune. Keep doing it insya'allah, the fortune you planed and visioned will come true, because in every single thing we think or say about is du'a.
That's the trick to overcome procrastination in doing what you love to do. Do make sure that it is benefitial for each other and everyone else. If you guys aren't going anywhere. Make a path. Agreed on it. And don't ever ever stop doing it.
That is our bonding. And that is why we are standing up straight for 5 years. Of course, we had ups and down, the worst downfall every we have experienced and that will happened. It is the matter of your PASSION. PROCRASTINATION AND MOTIVATION that keeps you moving. Something that you need to have to live by. Well I hope at least my dear beloved readers, even if Ive never been talking to you for months. I hope you learnt something new. And I care to share because I want to let you know what I have learnt. And sharing is caring. c;
I know who reads my blog. Thank you again for making me blog again. And hopefully is not just another blog. Hopefully is a medium for you to learn something new. It can be as small as a word or as big as an inspiration. I would like to thanks to my current kompang group which is Kumpulan Kompang Syabab or Teamsyabab for having me part of your vision. They are the only friends who I can live the fullest with. You can catch the real me when I'm with them of course without your presence. XD Which you won't know I guess. Nah, it is just that I am really comfortable with them even though we have gone through many adversities, disappointments, fights, conflicts and that makes us stronger.
So never give up on the things you love. Even if you can't do anything, just believe in yourself and the people you love. Insya'allah the road to success is easier to visualize. You may relate the life you had right now, maybe. c:
My new Azam for next year is, sorry I don't know what is Azam in english. So yeah, my Azam is, I want to spread the good things I have learnt or know to everyone. EVERYONE. I want to tell you that you are not alone and you always have things to live by and keeps you motivated. I want everyone to feel how great to be a person like you by sharing my stories and knowledge. I am looking forward to read yours too! Just drop me your link! Stay connected dear readers. c: Dont wait, just do it. Make every second of your life a blast and a moment that keeps you motivate when you think of. You make me motivate. Stay where you are. :D Untill the next story telling. Salam.
December! And 2013!
Tuesday, December 04, 2012 2:43 AM
December December! How is holiday everyone? I hope it has been a blast for each and everyone of you. OWWWWWH SOO EGGSITED. Oh I don't bake anymore. No one is going to eat. Unless you request for me to do so! Well that will take a while.
How am I doing? Do I have to answer this? Well, alhamdulillah. Ive been doing great, my life is as always as pulling a constraints, with a new one everyday. What i've been exactly doing is to grow my passion. I want to make my passion a happiness for everyone especially for the newly weds. Well you should discover yourself what my passion is. Hehehe! Just joking. My passion is playing kompang with my friends. Yes they are my brothers, my best friends and my everything. We are just so lucky to get together and be in one heart. That is the biggest gift I've ever get and so do other of my friends too.
But when we realised, something is just not right for us. We sat down and identify what is the problem. Finally a smart man stood up said "We need to change" what happened next? Everyone look at him with a jaw 1-inch open. "What was it?" Asked a wise friend of mine. The idea came up with one simple stand up and a few words to speak out.
My team, which is Kumpulan Kompang Syabab or other words, Teamsyabab will change by 2013. We will do some things that we have never done before. And what happened is, it has been 5 years we are doing the same thing. With that, we are getting the same thing again and all over again. We would not let the 6th year give us the same thing as what we have gotten before. With that, we have to change the things we do. The things we provide. The things we serve. What Kumpulan Kompang Syabab have been doing for the past 5 years is the same each and every year. Literally the same. What are we going to do this year. 2013. We are going to make weddings brighten like never before. We are going to engage in the wedding and not make it like Kompang is just an outsider, we are going to make ourselves as a part of the wedding and we are committed to serve and help our clients. Insya'allah.
So Mr. Erwin Erlan Purnama, the master of all master appointed us to do different tasks, that tasks is what we are doing without even realising it. For example, someone who is particular about his money handles the Administration. Simple. And what I do is basically SHARE stuffs. :)
I share stuffs. I love what I do. And it is quite obvious that I blog. So this Master Mind man ask me to Blog. ABOUT Kumpulan Kompang Syabab since I've complaint to him I got nothing to Blog. Well, this is my personal blog for my special people. So I will be posting stories about US. And myself too. Im sorry about this posts. It does not goes as plan. The next post will be something hmm id say, a little bit organised. Well this blog is especially for people who wants a personal engage with us. Or me. xD
We, Kumpulan Kompang Syabab also have our own blog, we discover solutions and tips, so basically the blog will be about weddings! Some discussion will be discussed on in that blog. Sounds interesting right!
Check them out at. http://kompangsyabab.blogspot.com
Pretty long URL but all you have to do is click and read.I CANT CLICK. No not above, but on the right handside under Kumpulan Kompang Syabab's Link :) Hopefully if you follow my blog and my team's blog. You will learn something out of it. Insya'allah.
Thank you so much for your short attention.