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Tayya tayya hangga kanddayya
643 - Screw this.

♫ Music
It's different now

Thursday, October 28, 2010 3:26 AM
Random bites.

...(continues from Twitter)

Thats what we say Taubat/Insaf."

For who lives with problems, he who God have faith in him.

So much trust that He dares to make it visible for us.

Problems are time we people escalating to success.

No people live's at the highest top of a mountain.

Complexity eventually make things simple.

Simple things are obtain from raging brain storm (Complex).

Cars are complex, but it brings you miles away. Easy?


So it is SIMPLE to get into heaven.

Pioneers work hard to replace fuel.

To have carbon-free motor cars.

Once formula mastered.

Mass production is then in place.

It is too SIMPLE to get everything you want.

People can have EVERYTHING what they want.

When comes to mistakes, hope deflates.

Time regain hope.

1000 mistakes are just 1000 ways that people know it doesn't work - Thomas Edison.

When the solution is simple, god is answering. - Albert Einstein

After 1000 mistakes.

A useless man is someone who can't handle small or big problems.

Anger and rage may be in himself.

Guide yourself and walk through fire without burning.

Ordinary man limits himself.

Extra-ordinary man may not have money.

Rich or poor aren't distinctions in life.

After all, Solat is really simple.

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Monday, October 25, 2010 1:35 AM
Trapped by haze in years to come.

Recently South East Asia's tip is facing stretches of thick haze due to carbon molecules traveled by air current. From the source of deforestation caused by locals and governments for urban and economic purposes. Reports says that, "Records for PSI levels is decreasing after some region were drizzled." This issue was already at common sight for countries affected. Such hazardous atmosphere with high humidity may cause harm to residents affected. In health concern and global warming prospects, many measures have been suggested to the land lord that cause the mass decomposition of carbons. Official says. "Such measures made must not affect the rate of development." Governments who respond to this crucially paid double the horizon to the analysts and co-working cooperations to tackle and facilitate the discipline for clearing forests without jeopardizing the demands for markets.

Through the day, a small percentage of residential areas affected draws complaints to the opposed climate. Countries like Muar, Malaysia, suffer the highest PSI levels among the region. Children were prioritised for their health in schools. Campaigns to precaution safety were widely available.  Dr. Ahmad Durahim, PKK, Pengarah Kementerian Kesihatan which is also as Director of Health Minister, said that we might not feel the pain caused by the haze but it is like a silent killer that penetrates our respiration systems slowly.

Some small areas like Muar, mostly places were highly affected encourage their residents to wear mouth masks by advertising through posters, televisions, radio, newspapers and magazines. There is a number of people who take this as a minor problems, these are smokers, villagers to clear of trash and others. This is are the people which the media wants attention to slow down the suffer we are facing. Mr. David Teo also suggest, "We need colours and actors to steal their attention..." Even though the media might not make an impact, he also added, "... at least they realised what we are facing and have the cooperation."

Coordinations by weather analysts to create artificial rain always stay focus when a hazy or high temperate situations comes to threatening million peoples. The high cost rainfall allows the hazy conditions to be slightly lower and also increase the rate for clearing the air. Mr. Hwa Joo Koon says, "Even if we are free from suffocating, there's years to come where we could not even picture how thick the haze is going to be."

Millions of dollars invested to overcome this issue to avoid worsts air impurities. We had enough with motor cars and industrial means that cause global warming and rose the Earth's temperature at a drastic rate.

Reported By,
Muhammad Kamil

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Thursday, October 21, 2010 10:58 PM
Write a story about something terrible happened and eventually turns out to be a good gesture.

I wonder if I was the only one who doesn't feel the way that others feel. I'm left with a few minutes left for me to brush and polish all the knowledge and revisions that I have been fitting in my pink cushion-like thinking organ. I felt that I was the only human being in the world with no response, it must not be that my nervous system's dead or numb. All I can express is a gaping face I suggest.

A thunder rage right after I had a though of wether I will be able to overcome and complete it with high level of confidence. The momentum when the invalidator instructs. Heart thumping as it ever could. Fortunately, I have the faith to keep it calm and be present, dump all negative inner voices in my head.

'You may now start.' instructed Mr Loga. The worst feeling I ever had in such major examination as I lift my hand while folding my sleeve to pick up the pen and start writing my full name on the cover page. The first flip I made after I glance through the pages was magical. All of the sudden, the harassing in my thoughts were all gone. None threatens the eager to focus. I did it comfortably at a norm pace that allows me to analize the questions and ink my answers clearly and thoroughly. After all, first question was not that terrible to get over.

The second question I attempted which is question number one was a blunder. A mess that tangles my brain deflating my hope to achieve the victory sigh. It involves the use of beaker and pouring and candidates were advice to practice before writing the students' final actual records as the experiment surely needs training. On the attempt for the final procedure after pouring beakers of water , I literally smiled. My guts of having clean and accurate records is very strong, but I was wrong. The intimidating nervous systems came at the wrong time.

The whole apparatus for the experiment lose it's centre of gravity and tilted over the table. A situation that nobody in this world wants to experienced this. The hope to complete is zero. I was unable to think what could be done next. Some how, the thunder distracts me at the moment, 'You have 15 minutes left.' Mr Loga reminded to all of us. A positive distraction I should say, the energy suddenly rushed through my fingers to reset the apparatus and realised that the set-up just had a mere fall. No damage or unwanted events. The thunder claps away the threatening evil nerves.

My brains was thinking about nothing but the task to complete in a short yet ample time. The final step was done with the thoughts I had earlier with my guts. I seek for gratitude that I actually manage to complete the Science practical examination in a given time. Well, to succeed or to pass that particular session is another story, there might some mistakes made and irrelevant answers. After all, the feeling of completing it is worth the compensate to myself.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 11:52 PM
Use our powers given.

Stress is a form of anxiety and discomfort stemming usually from lack of rest or constant high preassure situation. Many people, young or old suffer from varying degrees of stress. For adult, stress usually coms from work; either the workload is too heavy or the pressures and demands of the work is very great. For students, it comes from handling assignments academically often when major exams is around the corner.

For some of us who intellectually gifted to handle time and sort out schedule to fit all demands in a person. Therefore, such stable timing and order will give a person a guide and ample time to maneuver the due of a piece demanded. There might be tonnes of work to be done, but if a person is well prepared and ready to face the worthy restless time, he's a victory in his life.

There's this one case, a student from a local University, he asked for an Ustaz's help. 'Ya Ustaz, why teachers has always given us truckloads off assignments with a disgusting due date and I don't have much time left.' The Ustaz's replied instantaneously, 'It is how you handle your five prayers and how you handle yourself, after all, Solat is the greatest guide of all besides reading Qur'an.'

The decent student then realized that, everything is inter-related. He always picture himself doing the assignments is terribly a heavy task before he actually have the initial energy. Same goes to Solat, then he really poses a gesture in his part. With ablution, everything can be done.

Not to deny that sometimes stress really pisses us off as if, why it has to be like this. If we people trying to achieve something, isn't this what we deserve? We need such obstacles to pursue such dreams, and aren't we pursuing the highest limits? Training has always be our side to make great human beings, be at highest level of being. Face the though moments and keep the glory than we could ever imagine.

In my opinion and account of stress, it is just a time to prove ourselves how strong are we to walk through fire. Mislead and misinterpretation of such negative can lead to anger, rage or worst, violence and suicidal.
It is rather a constructive situation for we to fight, fight and fight ourselves.

Things are all start with a starter, starter requires very little amount of energy. We called it, initial energy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010 11:07 PM
Have respect.

Woke up, shit it's 5a.m. and I'm very late. Only god knows how troublesome was it to go to school for only 2 hours, that's my journey to school! Don't talk about going back home.

The road's awesome here in my home area, sped through to be at the bus interchange on time.
(konon lambat, padehal darah muda bawak automobil) Thanks to JPJ upon making intensive and fast reply efforts to re-tar the small road. It actually make my corner a clean one. I hope to other's too. Oh dude, you got no idea how dangerous the hole was.

It was 0540 hours already and the queue was terrible, miraculously awed me seeing people right from the junction to the bus berth. That means, there's no chance the bus is gonna be odour friendly and it's definitely will cause a potential disgusting morning.

You guys are just lucky to have a first class public transport. You can't compare the peak hours here; an earthquake. A bunch of rushing ants or rather dogs trying to go to work on time. No doubts, such behavior is acceptable, who wants to miss the bus anyways? Who wants to get fired just because of being late for straight seven days?

The thing is, selfish always come to place when people is rushing, some will just go berserk; not the noisy one but a violent one. They re-posture themselves to one 'supersaya' so it seems like there is no more space. Obese people have the advantage of bumping people away whoever went to his direction. Lucky huh? In a way. That's still acceptable. Gosh, he needs that space. You want him to rot in the bus suffocating?

For some cases, some people abuses other's rights and disrespect and inconsiderate. Let me give you a picture of how's the situation of how crowded it is.

"YOU CANT EVEN DIG YOUR NOSE" kinda situation. xD

There's one time. I like this Indian guy, he looks like Hulk Hogan, but the New Delhi CWG '10 version.

He was with her pregnant wife, it's a cool gesture to see at least there is still such very considerate and respectful people in this rushing work life. They showed some values towards his wife and to others too I hope. Unfortunately, this Hulky Hoogy guy is unable to get inside. The only space left is for the door to close. Everybody's eyes were gaping like there is a Zeus's Lightning Bolt. 'Oh gosh, she really needs Hindi guy' What, you want to help for her labour?

The thought of them inside trying to squeeze in doesn't seem loud enough for them to actually, come on 'give up the space for digging your nose to that Hulky.' If 10 men gave up, I bet that space would save her uneasy thoughts.

With his sad face, the Amma fella said, "Masuk sikit tak boleh ke? Semua orang mau pergi kerja, tolong lah. Sama-sama bantu" He begged with his deep bass voice strumming the tone that might make people feel a little bit of guilt, cooperation and respect. He actually make it work. 

Give courtesy when ever you can, don't ever let your ego ticks like a bomb and burst yourself inside, rantings and complains, cursing won't make any better.
A little piece I want to share. Humans are surely a great and a gifted being. Aren't you one of them?

Come I blanja Coffee, because you made it till here. Thanks.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:56 AM
Make criticisms work for you

Often, when we ask for critical comments, what we usually hope to get are compliments. Who wants to be criticised anyways? After all, criticisms always seem out to wound our pride and deflate our ego.
But are all criticisms malicious and biased? Should we simply block off these sharp remarks and pretend we have not heard them?
On the other hand, can criticisms be objective and constructive? Can criticisms really help us to improve? How should we react when we are criticised?
When our pride has been bruised, is it not easy to look at things from an unbiased view point.
When ever we find ourselves the target of someone's penetrating remarks, we get sore and the slightest provocation can easily spark off a rage. We become hypersensitive and suspicious and often we start to shut ourselves off from any further comments even if these are actually well-meaning.
After our self-steem has taken a beating, we start to react impulsively to every word and every nuance. If we lose control over our feelings and allow our frustration to be released uncurbed, we can only make the situation worse. Hasty reactions seldom help to remedy the situation. If anything, it will merely worsen things and show that we are unable to accept advice graciously.
Are you getting the most out of criticisms? How can you make criticisms work for you?

Ponder over it
In order to benefit from other people's assessments, pause for a moment and ecamine the cricisms objectively. Be careful though, for being receptive to criticisms does not mean simply smiling in agreement. You must learn to identify those criticisms which can actually help you to improve and those which cannot.
Not all criticisms are unkind, unjustified words from someone out to hurt you. Some people are just not very tactful and their good intentions can easily be mistaken for nastiness. Their comments may very well be sincere and legitimate, so do not brush this aside.
On the other hand, you should be wary of those who seem overly confident and ever willing to offer their supposedly worthwhile observations. Most of these very eloquent critics have very little constructive suggestions to offer. Comments that are cleverly worded are not always useful ones. Some are the result of mere sarcasm, meant to discredit and intimidate you. Your best response will be to ignore them.

Control your temper
Sometimes when someone has, deliberately or not, belittled your efforts and hurt your feelings, it is very difficult to keep your temper under control. But nothing will be gained from launching an immediate counter-attack.
Instead of lashing out in a moments' anger, give yourself time to cool down. When you are sufficiently calm, think over the remarks. Are they well-founded? Decide for yourself if they are reasonable and helpful. Look at the situation with an unjaundiced eye. Remind yourself not to get too sensitive and overwrought. Do not shut your mind off by setting up a defensive barrier.

Act on the fair criticisms
Once you have decided that a particular criticisms is constructive, the next step is to accept it with a positive attitude and do something about it. A constructive criticisms will only be helpful if you act on it. Consider the things you will gain and think over how you should work to get them. Make extra efforts to improve.
It would also be a nice gesture on your part if you take the trouble to express your appreciation to the critic. This basic courtesy not only reflects maturity of character, but also your sense of responsibility. At the same time, it can help establish a rapport between you and your critic, leading to a deeper and more trusting relationship. Show that you have taken heed of the recommendations and that you intend to find ways to remedy your errors or overcome your weakness.

Ignore the unjust criticisms
If, after careful consideration, you are quite certain about a comment has been lashed out in spite and malice, just ignore it.
YOu can toss and turn in bed or tear out in your hair in desperation over some harsh remarks, but nothing is going to change. No one except yourself will be any worse off, so stop torturing yourself. Do not lose sleep because someone was sarcastic and mean. If someone is out to hurt your feelings, the defence is to disregard the harsh and unthinking comments. Why make life hard for yourself just beacuse of someone else's insensitivity? Sometimes, irresponsible comments are made on the spur of the moment. While these may hurt, they are usually harmless. Do not take them too seriously. If they prove to just petty grievances, do not upset yourself over them.
And do not be too hard on the culprit. Unkind things are often uttered in anger. Everybody does it one time or other. Forgive and forget and be a happier person.

Ask for explanation
If you think that certain criticisms are biased or unjustified, do not simply attack the other part in an aggressive manner or cry on your sleep thinking every sleepless nights. Instead of getting abusive and hurtful, adopt a diplomatic tone. Ask for an explanation if there are any comments that you are uncertain about. You should of course keep an open mind. Do not bump into conclusions so fast and ruin your own life.

Use humour
Careless comments can sometimes turn a friendly dialogue into a heated and touchy debate. Under such highly charged setting, it is only natural that you act impulsively. Hostility and antagonism start to set in and this can eventually turn into an ugly situation.
Instead of exploding in fury at being made the target of insulting remarks, it will save everyone the discomfort and agitation caused by a full-blown verbal battle if you just use a little humour.
Ignore the offending remarks. Learn to laugh away the mean words and unfair comments. Sprinkle some humour over the tense atmosphere.

Show your confidence
If you frequently display and aversion for criticisms, others will soon become reluctant to offer any constrictive criticism or advice. THis means you will not have to be subjected to the agony of taunting and often biased accusations, but you will also be forfeiting yourself of possibly beneficial and well-meaning observations. Instead of honest opinions, others may resort to the flattery and false praise they feel you desire.
Words may inflict hurting and shameful wounds on your pride, but if they are will-intentioned and offer helpful advice, they certainly deserve your attention.
Whether you can actually gain from them depends entirely on your attitude and on how you respond to them.

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